这是我第一次入住B2 Hotel。这是间新的budget酒店连锁,布满了整个泰国。390泰铢一个晚上实在是赞啊!酒店在一条小巷走进去。如果我是从大马过来也许会害怕,但是再柬埔寨生活后,这个算是小儿科!其实这些国家的安全没有想象中差,和平时一样自己注意、检点,大致上还算正常水平。我住的是 B2 NIGHT BAZAAR HOTEL,顾名思义就是靠近夜市啦!这里的夜市天天都开,下午5点到晚上10点。从酒店走路过去不过是5分钟时间罢了!酒店很干净,酒店经理很友善。
这里就像是乡村,平静、没有喧哗。太阳下山以后,大街小巷都是安静的。早上店都一般10点才开,所以整个地方可以说是很无聊!难怪朋友说是个退休的好地点!大部份本地人都不会英文,会的也只是皮毛。所以不可以完全把他们的yes 当 yes 看!
2nd day, I bought a day tour @ THB950 where included white house, black house, mae sai city market, golden triangle, monkey cave, and long neck village. My tour guide is good, highly recommended. His name is Tony, working at VIP travel, office location near night bazaar. His mobile: +66 86 19 78 227.
White House & Black House is just a photo destination.
White house is a temple where the designer is just 57 yrs old. Still alive.
You will passed by the "hell" before reaching "heaven" |
Black house is like a stadium. The designer also still alive and he is 72 yrs old.
Monkey cave is worth to visit but you have to climb through the 500+ staircase's steps.
Mai Sae city Market is not that huge but no place else you can go here!
Average bargain is only THB50 ~100.
Golden triangle is also a photo session. Things here are expensive unless you have a good bargain skill!
i manage to get 2 top for my parent :)
Long neck village is developing but is limited excess by Thai government.
Night bazaar is a best destination to shop and dine!
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